You all know that an air conditioner has two parts that work in tandem in order to give you the required services and those two components are indoor unit and outdoor unit. The outdoor unit consists of compressor whose job is to function in all seasons irrespective of the climatic conditions. As the compressor sits outside the unit so it is meant to work in all weather, but most house owners remain concerned about whether would an AC work in rains or not. Let’s move further in the blog where AC repair North Miami has figured all the things which make the house really worried.

AC Repair North Miami

Air Conditioner Remain Unaffected by the Rains

The good point about AC compressor is that they are manufactured such that they can function very well in all seasons, so rain doesn’t affect the air conditioner especially the compressor unit. It is completely safe to let the AC ON in wet weather. Also, during rains , the humidity level increases inside the home, so running an AC system will help you in dehumidified the house and make you feel relaxed.

The Rainy Weather Situations which can Damage the Air Conditioner

Rainy weather itself doesn’t make any adverse effects on the air conditioner but the consequences from the rainy weather can badly affect the air conditioner state which are summarized below by AC repair North Miami.


Whenever the lightning strike it causes the power flow that can damage the compressor of the unit so the best way to control such adverse effect is to shut down the AC system before the lightning strikes in the rainy weather.


Whenever there is flooding due to rains the chances are that the compressor can be submerged and due to which a short circuit can destroy the fan motor and electrical connections. So if you really want to switch ON the AC system, then dry out the outdoor components of the AC before you it switch it ON.

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